9873 2551
358 North Rocks Rd
Carlingford 2118
Postal Address
PO Box 4861
North Rocks 2151
Opening Hours
8.00am - 3.30pm Monday -Friday during school holiday terms.
A waiting list application form must be filled out and lodged with the preschool office to be placed on the North Rocks Preschool waiting list.
Each child must be enrolled separately.
When can I enrol my child?
Children are able to be placed on the waiting list from the 1st Birthday and are eligible for enrolment once they turn 3 years old.
When can I visit the preschool?
Prior to lodging your application to place your child on the waiting list, we invite you to visit and have a look at the preschool. There is a virtual tour on the website, the link below the enrol now button. Please email or call the preschool to arrange a tour in person.
What fees are applicable:
A small fee of $20 applies to place your child on the waiting list.
North Rocks Preschool receives annual funding from the NSW Department of Education and Communities to support access to the preschool for: