9873 2551
358 North Rocks Rd
Carlingford 2118
Postal Address
PO Box 4861
North Rocks 2151
Opening Hours
8.00am - 3.30pm Monday -Friday during school holiday terms.
The North Rocks Preschool Management Committee is the employer of all staff of the organisation and are responsible for the management and control of the organisation.
The Preschool is an approved provider of education and care under the Children (Education and Care Services National Law Application) Act 2010 and the Education and Care Services National Regulations.
In carrying out its responsibilities, the management committee undertakes to maximise the value and contribution of the organisation to the community.
They serve the interests of the organisation's members, employees and families and children using the preschool.
In serving these interests there is an implicit understanding that the rights of the child are paramount in all decision making.
The management committee will direct its activities towards achieving the goals of the North Rocks Preschool Quality Improvement Plan.
Meetings are held once a term with 2 meetings in Term 4.
The management committee elects new members at our Annual General Meeting at the beginning of the year.
Contribution to the Community
In carrying out their responsibilities, the management committee undertakes to maximise the value and contribution of the Preschool to the community.
We serve the interests of the Preschool's members, employees and families and children using the preschool.
In serving these interests there is an implicit understanding that the rights of the child are paramount in all decision making.