9873 2551
358 North Rocks Rd
Carlingford 2118
Postal Address
PO Box 4861
North Rocks 2151
Opening Hours
8.00am - 3.30pm Monday -Friday during school holiday terms.
North Rocks Children's Centre was opened by Councillor Mullane on 20th September 1969. It was a single unit preschool catering for 20-25 children a day. The Director at the time was Mrs King and her assistant was Mrs Fay Holman.
In 1976 North Rocks Preschool expanded and was able to cater for 120 children a week.
1979 saw the devlopment of the Westfield Shopping Centre (now known as North Rocks Shopping Centre)
In 1982 the name changed to North Rocks Preschool and in 1986 the centre became Incorporated.
After 49 years, in 2018 North Rocks Preschool relocated to a new building at the Don Moore Park, but despite the changes the soul of North Rocks Preschool lives on.
A Non Profit Organisation
North Rocks Preschool does not raise a profit from the provision of the preschool program. All monies generated from parent fees, funding received through the Department of Family and Community Services and any fundraising throughout the year are utilised in the provision of the program.
Fees are determined by the management committee each year with consideration to projected running costs. Fees are kept to a minimum at all times.